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Workshops & Conferences
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List of confirmed invited speakers:

1. Prof. Nezha El Bari, University Moulay Ismaïl, Meknes (Morocco): "Analysis of exhaled breath by using an electronic nose in patients with low and relatively high concentrations of creatinine"

2. Prof. Boris Mizaikoff, University of Ulm (Germany): "Advanced Breath Analysis with IR Diagnostics"

3. Dr. Raul Rodriguéz, University of Pamplona (Colombia): "Prevalence and incidence of Dengue in Colombia and in the Norte de Santander department during 2014 – 2015"

4. Dr. Radu Ionescu, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain): "Breath samples analysis: A non-invasive tool for diseases diagnosis"

5. Mr. Giovanni Pugliese, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain): "Breath sampling methodology"

6. Dr. Dumitru Ulieru, SITEX (Romania): "New technologies based on microbiosensors for real time detecting and monitoring tuberculosis in group with increased risk potential”

7. Dr. Jan Mitrovics, JLM (Germany): “Breath analysis with chemical sensors”

8. Prof. José Santiago Torrecilla, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain): “Artificial Neural Networks Aiding in Breath-Based Early Cancer Diagnosis”

9. Prof. Mourad Mokni, IPT (Tunis): “Cutaneous leishmaniasis: A bad travel memory, a neglected health problem”

10. Dr. Grzegorz Jasiński, PG (Poland): “Measurement procedures and signal processing for gas sensors”

11. Dr. Roxana Piticescu, IMNR (Romania): “Combining physical and chemical deposition processes to fabricate organic thin films on silicon wafers based substrates”