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Home / Workshops & Conferences
Workshops & Conferences

January 12-13, 2018 - TROPSENSE Training Course - "Breath samples analysis with chemical gas sensors and analytical equipment", Kühtai (Austria)

January 10-11, 2018 - TROPSENSE Training Course - "Advanced dynamic operation methods for chemical gas sensors", Kühtai (Austria)

January 10th, 2017 - TROPSENSE Training Course - "Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser spectroscopy", Ulm (Germany)

January 9th, 2017 - The 3rd TROPSENSE Workshop - "Spectroscopy-based gas sensors", Ulm (Germany)

April 21st, 2016 - The 2nd TROPSENSE Workshop - "Nanomaterial-based devices based on advanced functionalised nanomaterials", Tarragona (Spain)

February 9th, 2016 - The 1st TROPSENSE Workshop - "Tropical Diseases and Breath Analysis", Gdansk (Poland)