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Training Course "Advanced dynamic operation methods for chemical gas sensors"

Dr. Jan Mitrovics, JLM Innovation GmbH (Germany

Invited presentations:

1. James Covington, University of Warwick (UK): “Introduction to chemical sensors: Chemical sensors and olfaction”

2. Radu Ionescu, Uppsala University (Sweden): “Thermally modulated chemical gas sensors”

3. Janusz Smulko, Gdansk University of Technology (Poland): ”Fluctuation and irradiation enhanced sensing”

4. Oriol Gonzalez, JLM Innovation GmbH (Germany): “Combined Pulsed UV and Temperature activation of metal oxide nanomaterials in breath analysis applications”

5. Veikko Ikonen, VTT (Finland): “Responsible Research”

Practical sessions:
Oriol Gonzalez, JLM Innovation GmbH (Germany): “Hands on exercises with modulated gas sensors”